Many yoga practitioners love to travel, but, despite good intentions, keeping up with the practice while on the road can be challenging. As you explore new places, cultures and foods, it’s easy to forget about the routines of your normal life, yoga being one of them.
How to keep up your yoga practice on the road
Fight for your fitness!
If you ever need to relieve some stress after a frustrating day of work, why not try martial arts? It is a great way to get in shape and offers a high intensity workout that activates your body on a different level. What’s more, is you’re also learning some valuable self-defense moves in case you ever face any real danger.
Why exercise with your significant other
Many people exercise alone. A quick look around at the gym will verify this as you notice solo runners on the treadmill and muscly dudes moving across the free weight floor. The truth is a lot of us don’t consider bringing a friend to the gym. But why not? And why not bring one of the most important people in your life - your significant other? Exercising with your partner can be rewarding and offers some notable benefits.
6 healthy cooking tips for weight loss
Committing to a healthy lifestyle can be tough, especially when you have very little experience in the kitchen. With such a busy schedule, it’s hard to stick to a strictly healthy diet as well. There is also a misconception that healthy eating means that you’ll only be eating bland and unexciting meals everyday.
Treadmill running or outdoor running?
As a runner you’re going to find yourself at a crossroad. Should you work up a sweat outside or do you pay your local gym a visit and run on their treadmill for 30 minutes? This is a question that many runners face and while some may think that both are exactly the same, there are clear differences and advantages to outdoor and indoor running.
Old school nutritional rules still relevant
In nutrition and life, everything changes. Items like floppy disks, pagers and cassette tapes are outdated. Political views like segregation and women’s right to vote are no longer relevant. As for the world of nutrition, it seems like things change every week.
Why you should exercise in a class
“I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one... And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, ‘Wait a second, could it be?’ And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack.
If you’re gonna cheat on your diet, do it right
Starting a new diet can be tough, especially when there’s a donut or pizza calling your name from across the street. Even after a long week of dieting and working out, those cravings start kicking in and you decide to reward yourself with a cheat meal.
Pose for sport: welcome to competitive yoga
Competition and yoga are two words you don’t see put together very often. It’s also quite difficult to imagine yoga as anything more than a class that you go to after work. However, it’s a thing, and the world of competitive yoga is making great leaps to establish itself as an Olympic sport.