It’s quite common to see advertisements portraying yoga as a workout to achieve a flat belly and toned arms. However, behind its misconception as a modern fashionable trend for physical health, true practitioners know that real yoga is a balm for the soul, not the body.
Practicing Yama off the mat
Why you should avoid so-called “diet foods”
If you’re thinking about starting a diet, you may believe that it won’t be difficult. All you have to do is walk into the supermarket and find foods with the word “diet” slapped on the label. Easy enough, right? Well, the truth is that food sellers can write just about anything they want on their label, and this includes the word “diet.
How not to embarrass yourself during pilates
There was a time when pilates classes seemed exclusively the domain of women, which is strange as the creator, Joseph Pilates was very much a man's man, and was not only a bodybuilder but also a self defense trainer who developed this technique to help everyone become stronger and fitter.
‘Listening to your gut’ takes on new meaning
We all hate feeling ill, so wouldn't it be useful if there was some way your body could tell you what is making you sick? Well its seems that this could now be possible for your gut, at least. Australian researchers at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) have tried a new pill on pigs that can measure internal gases and tell you how the food you just consumed will affect your digestive system.
Improve your poses with vibrating yoga pants
There’s no doubt, yoga pants are in style these days. While they have a practical use in the studio to add additional comfort to your practice, what if they could do more? The fashion tech company known as Wearable Experiments believes they can. Later this year, they plan to release vibrating yoga pants that will help guide you into postures correctly.
Busting the myths on Yoga body types
One of the most harmful yoga stereotypes that continues to circulate is that overweight people shouldn’t or can’t do it. We’re here to tell you that is 100 percent false. Anyone, regardless of how much they weigh, can take part in yoga if they choose to.
Is your Yoga Teacher Making these Mistakes?
Of course, it takes a lot of time, dedication and effort to become a fitness instructor, whatever discipline you are primarily working in. But as in any industry some people are simply better suited to their role than others. Whether that’s through not keeping up with developments in their field, a tendency to believe anything spouted by a so-called authority without doing their own research, or simply not having the passion that a career in the industry demands, ultimately the person negatively affected is you.
Ditch the treadmill and do these activities
Cardio can be boring. We get it. There is nothing more uninteresting than running on a treadmill or completing 30 minutes on an elliptical machine five times a week. That’s why it is good to find aerobic training activities that are not so repetitive.
5 Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism
Sometimes it can feel like you’re doing everything you can to lose weight: you make it to the gym regularly, you eat healthily and only allow yourself the occasional treat, and you nearly always take the stairs instead of the elevator. So why is it that the excess weight doesn’t seem to shift as fast as you’d expect considering all the effort you put in? Well, your metabolism could hold the answer to that particular conundrum! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at five simple things that anyone can do to kick start a stubborn metabolism.
How to Step Up Your Abs Routine
When it comes to achieving flatter, firmer abdominal muscles – and therefore a more toned and shapely midriff – the first exercise that probably comes to mind is crunches. And while the classic crunch is all well and good and its benefits are certainly not to be sniffed at, it’s not the only exercise on the block when it comes to your stomach.
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